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In order to retrieve the nearest neighbors as in-context demonstrations, samples in the dev set need to be encoded
sentence_model(SentenceTransformer): the model to encode demonstrations
default: all-MiniLM-L6-v2
ds(Dataset): the dev set, as a corpus for retrieving demonstrations
hparams(Hyperparams): hyperparameters for editing method
store dense embeddings in the form of pickle
Main function: Given the request, it applies IKE to your model. Utilizing the preceding prompt to modify the behavior of the model
model(PreTrainedModel): model to be edited
tok(PreTrainedTokenizer): tokenizer for inputs
requests(List[Dict]): The edit descriptors and targets.
hparams(Hyperparams): hyperparameters for editing method
copy(bool): whether to copy original model
return_orig_weights(bool): whether to return the weights of original model
keep_original_weight(bool): whether to edit sequentially
: edit sequentially(because the original weight is not maintained after each edit)
: not edit sequentially
Return Type
edited_model(PreTrainedModel): model weights after editing